18 December 2019

Swiss Players in the digital asset ecosystem join forces

  • Articles
  • Legal
  • Banking / Insurance
  • Blockchain / Digital Assets

Leading players in the Swiss ecosystem for digital assets are joining forces: the collaboration between Swisscom, daura, Sygnum Bank, Custodigit will now include SIX.

The Swiss financial market is preparing for the digital future and plays a pioneer role in international comparison. The efficiency gains from new digital infrastructures, such as blockchain, are used to build a modern financial infrastructure. Key infrastructure providers such as Swisscom and SIX as well as FinTechs such as Sygnum Bank AG and daura AG are joining forces to place Switzerland at the forefront of global digital competition. The collaboration will enable issuance (tokenisation), custody and trading of digital assets in a fully integrated and regulated ecosystem with a banking interface.

MME is delighted to be co-designing this project with its specialist knowledge in the FinTech field.

Read the press release of SIX and Swisscom for further information.