Legal Associate

Anne-Grace Kleczewski

Blockchain versus financial regulations: bridging the gap between innovation and law.



Anne-Grace Kleczewski* began her legal career in Belgium, specialising in financial regulations, mergers and acquisitions. During her doctoral studies, she delved into new technologies and the cryptocurrency sector. With a comprehensive understanding of both technical and regulatory aspects, she now works as a legal advisor in Switzerland — a pioneering nation for cryptocurrencies.

Her expertise spans decentralised finance protocols, various types of DAOs, and Layer 1 and Layer 2 projects. Anne-Grace ensures that these projects comply with Swiss and European legal standards, even in their early development stages. She remains pragmatic, taking into account business necessities at all times.

*not yet registered with the bar


2020 Summer School Deep Dive into Blockchain, University of Zurich
2017 Certificate of Aptitude as a Lawyer (Brussels Bar Association)
2017 - today PhD – Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
2012 - 2014 Master in Law - Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
2013 Freie Universität Berlin (Germany – Erasmus)
2009 - 2012 Bachelor in Law - Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles (Belgium)


German, English, French, Polish, Dutch

Work Experience

since 2024 Legal Associate at MME
since 2023 Co-founder and Chief Legal Officer of a DeFi Project
2021 - 2023 Senior Legal Counsel at the crypto department of a Swiss Law firm
2020 - 2022 Expert of Benelux Jurisdictions at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
2016 - 2018 Teaching Assistant for Contract Law at a Belgian University
2014 - 2016 Junior Legal Associate at a major law firm in Brussels
2013 Summer Internships in major law firms in Brussels