Legal Partner
Attorney at Law, LL.M.

Raphael Brunner

Your expert for trade and logistics: an interdisciplinary specialist and shrewd litigator

Lilia Cazorla
+41 44 254 99 66


Raphael Brunner advises and litigates for clients on national and international commercial and contract matters. He focuses on international trade, distribution, logistics, shipping and transport law, including customs law, free trade agreements and trade compliance. He also brings extensive experience in public procurement law, international insolvency law and in relation to complex internal and external investigations.

Raphael is Vice President of the Swiss Association for the Law of the Sea, chair of the Land Transport Committee of the Maritime and Transport Law Committee of the IBA, a regular speaker at international conferences, and a lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (CAS Commodity Trading) and of Swissmem Academy (Legal Aspects of export controls and sanctions). He regularly publishes on topics in his field of practice.  

Who is Who Legal sees Raphael Brunner as a Global Leader in Transport - Shipping 2021 and says "Raphael Brunner is a highly regarded lawyer with a wealth of experience in the transport, shipping and logistics sectors.". Legal500 qualifies Raphael Brunner as a leading expert in the transport sector, highlighting his vast experience in trade compliance and setting up compliance structures as well as his expertise in logistics contracts.


2006 University of Cape Town, South Africa (LL.M.)
2002 Admission to the bar
1999 Universities of Zurich and Geneva (lic. iur.)


German, English, French

Work Experience

since 2017 Partner at MME
2007 - 2016 Lawyer in internationally oriented commercial law firm in Zurich
2003 - 2005 Lawyer in commercial law firm in Zurich
2002 Credit Suisse, Project Manager in Strategic Human Resources
2000 - 2001 Auditor and Secretary at the District Court of Zurich
1999 SAM Sustainability Group, Junior Portfolio Manager

Scientific Publications

  • International Guide to Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, chapter Switzerland (pages 783-803), Second Edition, ed. American Bar Assiciation, August 2023 (ISBN/GTIN978-1-63905-281-3)
  • Dual-Use Export Controls in Europe, chapter Switzerland (pages 341-347), ed. WorldECR, 2023, (ISBN 978-1-7396115-1-4)
  • World Encryption Controls, chapter Switzerland (pages 255-261), ed. WorldECR, 2021 (ISBN: 978-0-9934917-7-1)
  • Graphic Presentation of new Incoterms ® 2020, MME Magazine, October 2019
  • International transport transactions - transport law rules and standard documents in: Handbook of International Trade and Commercial Law, p. 91 - 158, ed. Münch/Passadelis/Lehne, Helbing Lichtenhahn, September 2015 (ISBN 978-3-7190-3374-3) 

The complete list of publications can be found here


  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • International Bar Association (IBA), Officer of the Maritime and Transport Law Committee & Chair of the Land-Transport Subcommittee
  • German Society for Transport Rights (DGTR)
  • Swiss Shipping and Port Industry Association (SVS)
  • Swiss Association for the Law of the Sea (SVSR), Vice President